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Civil and Environmental Engineering Advising

Repeating a course for the third time?

If you are attempting to take a course for a third time, or more, you will need to make a formal request to do so.  Please perform both steps below in order:

Email with 1-Page Document Detailing Details of Re-Enrollment

  1. Your first and last name.
  2. Your WSU student ID number.
  3. The course and section number(s) that you would like to be added to, in order of preference.
  4. A 1-page document explaining the following:
    • what were the reasons you failed the course in the previous attempts
    • what will you change for the next attempt to ensure that you will pass the class
  5. Send this email to with the 1-page document attached.

Meet with Associate Chair for Civil Engineering

  1. After the 1 page document has been submitted you will be sent an email to schedule a meeting with the Civil Engineering Associate Chair.
    • Please schedule this meeting promptly to limit delays in enrollment.

NOTICE: These requests will be processed on a case-by-case basis. Approved students will be enrolled by the Civil Engineering Department between one to four business days after the student’s registration time is open.